Monday, December 1, 2014

A Final Note..

a Final Note...

One of the last things from chapter 7 that I would like to talk about comes from this: "If we allow ourselves to fall in love with what we do, we will be reborn countless times, almost always in a form stronger and more fully human than the one that preceded it... We must accept two challenges.  First, we need to cultivate passion for what we do.  Second, we need to remove our protective armor and allow our students to shape us, reflecting on and learning from what we see.

In just the three short weeks that I was in field, I grew so much love for the children in my class.  I became aware of horrible circumstances that the student's in my class were facing at home, and it killed me to know that these sweet innocent kids were going through such heartbreaking things.  I CANNOT wait to go back to this class.  I have grown so much passion for teaching from my field experience, and I have learned so much from these sweet kindergarten students.  I now can say that I will love what I will be doing for the rest of my life, and nothing can change that.  There may be bad days, but I can ultimately say that I know I am going to love what I am going to do.  I cannot wait to change the lives of the many students that I come in contact with over the next several years.  

1 comment:

  1. What a powerful post! It is so important to be passionate about what you choose to do for the rest of your life. If you are miserable every day, that is going to reflect on your teaching and be evident to your students. If we love what we do, our students will see that and learn from our examples.
